IN THE PALACE - International Short Film Festival, Bulgaria | Film Programme | By Title

Film Programme

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Who Lasts Longer
animation, Sun, 11:00 / Thu, 17:00
Spain , 2011, 12'
Director: Gregorio Muro
Producer: Gregorio Muro
Writer: Gregorio Muro
Animation: Gregorio Muro
Synopsis: A dangerous children’s' game will disrupt the lives of Ander and his family forever.
Director: Gregorio Muro
GREGORIO MURO. Donostia-San Sebastián, 1954. Cartoonist, screenwriter and film and TV director. After several years publishing his works mainly in France, he began in the audiovisual industry as a screenwriter of the animated feature film La leyenda del viento del Norte (The Legend of the North Wind) (1992). Since then he has been contributing as a writer for numerous productions and as a director in the film El rey de la granja (King of the Farm) and in the short films Tras los visillos (Behind The Curtain), Perros de presa (Hunting Dogs) and Zeinek gehiago iraun (Who Lasts Longer).

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