IN THE PALACE - International Short Film Festival, Bulgaria | Film Programme | By Title

Film Programme

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Rew Day
animation, Mon, 11:00 / Wed, 17:00
Bulgaria , 2012, 6'40''
Director: Svilen Dimitrov
Producer: Matey Konstantinov
Writer: Svilen Dimitrov
Animation: Svilen Dimitrov, Plamen Ivanov, Nikki Nikolov, Anna Slavkova
Editor: Svilen Dimitrov
Synopsis: The last day of a man’s life is seen as on a videotape which is being rewound to the moment he wakes up in the morning, having no idea what lays ahead.
Director: Svilen Dimitrov
Svilen Dimitrov (1980, Varna, Bulgaria) started drawing at the age of 5 and completed his first animated short at 11. In 1998 his fascination with the moving image led him to the Bulgarian National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts. He studied Direction of animated films and soon became known for his offbeat short films, influenced by directors as diverse as Tim Burton, Walt Disney Pictures and David Lynch. In 2004 Svilen Dimitrov created several minutes of animation for the Oscar-nominated documentary Super Size Me. Svilen's graduation film, The Air Ace (2007), was selected for the Berlinale “Generation” section in 2008. It was screened at many festivals around the world and became a critical darling, garnering eleven awards.
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